Project Overview
Services - Web Design | Web Development | Content Writing | Search Engine Optimization | Responsive Design
Perma-Seal recognized that there were issues with the brand consistency and usability of their website. Our team worked in conjunction with the marketing team at Perma-Seal to develop a plan for building a new website that fit today's standards for web development. This included optimizing both desktop and mobile conversion paths while maintaining brand consistency across all devices as well as a comprehensive content research and implementation strategy to improve organic rankings and SEO.
Our Solution
During the build and transition of the website, Garrow Media's development team ensured that any existing organic ranking and traffic was maintained throughout. This transition included an extensive design process that focused on maintaining a consistent image across all browser sizes including desktop, tablet, and mobile versions of the website. The main focus of the responsive website would be to develop a website that was easy to navigate and understand while maintaining efficient conversion points across the website. We designed and developed several contact forms as well as various CTA's for users on the website to contact Perma-Seal regarding the services they require. We utilize a call tracking system that tracks and records phone calls that can be reviewed for quality of sales and accuracy of lead generation. In addition to this, our team developed a content strategy that focused on increasing the organic performance of the website in search results. Our team continues to maintain the website, implementing regular content updates to ensure the website continues to perform well and improve as search algorithms are updated as well as ongoing maintenance that includes framework, component, and security updates.
The Website

Mobile & Tablet Experience

The Results
As a result of the work from the team at Garrow Media, the Perma-Seal website has seen a 25% increase in organic traffic year over year, a 16% increase in goal completions, and a 6% increase in goal conversion rate.